Sunday, December 9, 2007

C'mon, Really

(originally a guerilla blog on Hillary)

From a Hillary campaign email:
(How expensive ARE those plans?)

'K, I can't let this one go.

Y'know, when the talk about Hillary running for Prez started, which was when Bill&Hill left the White House, I was enthusiastic. Good, Gods, a woman in the White House, and the wife of a man I admired, as well.

Well, I've actually been listening to Hillary over the last few months, especially the health care, and I can't help but feel that we are being mislead.

It's all in the wording, folks. "Health care" translates into "health insurance". Hillary is on the insurance industry's TOP FIVE recipients for campaign contributions.

I don't think the tax credits are going to help any family trying to comply with a new federal law saying they must have health insurance, as most insurance premiums are due on a monthly basis; families will receive their credits yearly.

Also, the potential notion of providing proof to an employer of health insurance is not going to do anything to help small businesses; they will still have to offer their health plans, which the employee will be free to take advantage of. The only possible beneficiary of this plan is big business; large corporations, manufacturing businesses (whatever's left in the country after Bill Clinton's NAFTA sent most of those jobs overseas.)

It IS a good effort, but Hillary hasn't evolved from her 1998 ideas, or her 1998 understanding of the problem.

The problem is not that people WON'T provide insurance for their families. The problem is that the insurance industry is corrupt; the very bedrock platform on which HMOs were built was non-payment of benefits. The second problem is that the industry has made quality insurance for the common family with an income under 80,000.00 a year nearly unaffordable, and nearly unattainable, with its layers of beaurocracy employed solely to find a reason NOT to pay benefits, and a labyrinthine system of qualification that cuts holes in the insurance certificate that excludes pre-existing conditions, "experimental" treatments, "elective" or "medically unnecessary" treatments.

As long as ANY health care plan allows the insurance industry to play, the game will be rigged. I don't care whether it's Hillary, Obama, or Edwards, any reliance on the insurance industry to drive their health plans will perpetuate the corruption and hardship to common families to protect their families facing medical hardships.

I'd ask Hillary to seriously re-think her plan; and again ask her to stop taking money from the insurance lobby. At the very least, taking money from that industry will perpetuate the view that the industry is driving Hillary's interests, not Hillary looking out for families interests.

BTW, I see you have changed your Terms of Service to give you the right to remove any content. Fair enough. But your right to remove content that critisizes you does not trump my right to express that content. I'm still claiming my 1st Amendment right to speak and express my views in a peaceful manner in any forum. This would be no different from standing outside your campaign headquarters with a bullhorn. It also suggests you can't take any critisism of your policies if it doesn't come from a campaign opponent.

BTW, Happy Yule

Monday, December 3, 2007

Psych ward drama

Has Hillary ever heard of the psychological term "projection"? That is the mental mechanism by which a person shields herself from the realities of her flawed personality and premises by projecting those flaws onto someone else, ususally a perceived enemy or nemesis.

Yes, Hillary met with countless foreign leaders in the 8 years she occupied the office of First Lady. Did she negotiate treaties? Cement trade agreements? Aid in bringing peace anywhere, including the Balkans and the Middle East?

NO. She was a goodwill ambassador. No First Lady, even the esteemed Eleanor Roosevelt (and you're NO Eleanor Roosevelt, Ms Clinton), who Hillary claims to admire, and seems to think she gained equal status with, ever claimed that happening to be married to the President of the United States qualified her for ANY public office, let alone the highest office in the land.

And ambition? Maybe she DID love him enough to forgive him and stay with him. But we all know for damned sure, if Hillary had divorced Bill, there would be no Presidential bid. No chance.

So, Hillary, just stop with the same tired crap about Obama. The same applies to you. You are no more qualified, and just as ambitious as he is. Truly, in today's policial climate, truckloads of ambition have to be a key factor for anyone submitting her/himself to this dog-and-pony show.

Get over yourself, dear. I'm think you may be in for an unhappy surprise come January 3rd. We Iowans are not fond of posers, stuffed shirts and we definitely want a change in Washington, not just a change of dynasties. That kind of ambition we don't like, and have no use for.

Power and Peace to the People (P3)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Private Security Forces

November 25
Private Security Forces
Finally, someone taking some serious action against these thugs-for-hire. The US needs to keep their hands off this one. They want the Iraqi government to govern themselves, take responsibility, and produce an effective Iraqi security force? Then hands off, Condi. No brow-beating Al-Maliki in this one. Let the Iraqis sort this out and take the necessary action. There have been plenty of times when the US Government has refused to intervene when an American citizen has gotten himself in hot water overseas. It's time to let the out-of-control mercenaries take the heat for their own actions.

Power and Peace to the People (P3)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Peace" Conference

It is not surprising and typical of Bush's "cowboy" diplomacy that Iran is a glaring omission from the list of invitations for his upcoming Mideast "Peace" Conference.

I'll tell you exactly what will be discussed at this "peace" conference. They will continue a dialogue concerning the continuing privatization of Iraq's oil reserves. Every nation in the area EXCEPT Saudi Arabia will be brow-beaten into making concessions to Israel, and to issue policy against Hezbollah and Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority.

There will be other brow-beatings concerning cooperation for Bush's attack on Iran, including military staging, temporary AND permanent bases, and more sanctions for those states that refuse to cooperate or support Bush's continuing imperial conquest of the Middle East. They will also open bidding on Iran's oil fields and other ripe contracts to be had there when the bombings stop.

It's not surprising the administration has excluded Iran from its list, but it is unconscionable that the media has failed to report this omission.

I'm getting sick and tired of the media reporting only half-truths and incomplete facts. And the FCC is looking at relaxing regulations more to allow the accumulation of more media outlets in fewer corporate hands.

Bush's world conquest continues unabated with the silent support of the media. It is up to us bloggers to take the reporting responsibility on. Hopefully most of the more popular bloggers post on more than one site. If you don't already, I suggest you do the same; triple and quadruple your exposure, and coverage.

We have to do anything possible to stop Bush and Cheney.

Power and Peace to the People (P3)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

...They already are.

Lobbyists and lawyers are putting the screws to the Congress to pass a law stopping all suits against telecommunications companies who worked with the NSA in their illegal lawsuits. Lobbyists have threatened Congressment with "dire consequences" (we're not told what they are) if they do not pass this bill. Aides say some form of law is set to be passed soon.

Where the hell did these cretins come from? How did they manage to get elected? Why did they lie to us when we needed their integrity and their strength to carry out what we passionately want to see done?

They are liars and traitors. Any Congressman that votes for this bill is voting for every illegal action Bush has ever taken while in office. They are the lowest of the low; intriguing but disgusting specimens with no spine and no guts. I'm ashamed of each and every one of them.

Time for another round of calls to your Congressmen, children. As if it will do any good.
