Monday, December 3, 2007

Psych ward drama

Has Hillary ever heard of the psychological term "projection"? That is the mental mechanism by which a person shields herself from the realities of her flawed personality and premises by projecting those flaws onto someone else, ususally a perceived enemy or nemesis.

Yes, Hillary met with countless foreign leaders in the 8 years she occupied the office of First Lady. Did she negotiate treaties? Cement trade agreements? Aid in bringing peace anywhere, including the Balkans and the Middle East?

NO. She was a goodwill ambassador. No First Lady, even the esteemed Eleanor Roosevelt (and you're NO Eleanor Roosevelt, Ms Clinton), who Hillary claims to admire, and seems to think she gained equal status with, ever claimed that happening to be married to the President of the United States qualified her for ANY public office, let alone the highest office in the land.

And ambition? Maybe she DID love him enough to forgive him and stay with him. But we all know for damned sure, if Hillary had divorced Bill, there would be no Presidential bid. No chance.

So, Hillary, just stop with the same tired crap about Obama. The same applies to you. You are no more qualified, and just as ambitious as he is. Truly, in today's policial climate, truckloads of ambition have to be a key factor for anyone submitting her/himself to this dog-and-pony show.

Get over yourself, dear. I'm think you may be in for an unhappy surprise come January 3rd. We Iowans are not fond of posers, stuffed shirts and we definitely want a change in Washington, not just a change of dynasties. That kind of ambition we don't like, and have no use for.

Power and Peace to the People (P3)

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