Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Earth Cries Out

I read today the Army reported suicides among soldiers are at the highest levels in 26 years. In 2006 there were 99 confirmed suicides among active duty soldiers. 17.3% of our soldiers committed suicide in 2006

The report stated that Iraq was the most common deployment locations for suicides and attempts (note that 99 does not include the number of attempts). One-third of the 99 were deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. There was a significant link between time served in war areas and suicides. The same applied to attempts. Twice as many women who were serving in either country committed suicide as those who were not sent to war.

The sons and daughters of the Earth are crying out for release. The ruler of this nation turns a stone ear to their cries. And the Earth cries with each drop of blood that soaks into the soil. Americans, Iraqis, Brits, Koreans, and so many others are dying by the hundreds. Every day the Earth must enfold more of her sons and daughters into her bosom.

How long will the sons and daughters of the Earth allow the slaughter to continue?


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